Thursday, April 30, 2015

Daily Sketch Project Day 39 - Baltimore Media

Today's prompt comes from Edward, and he wanted to see something relating to the Batlimore media.  I'm not sure how well I represented my idea in the time I had, but since it's probably not clear enough, I wanted to juxtapose traditional newscast media between social media, because there's a fairly wide chasm of difference between what old media is portraying vs the new, with people on the ground in the thick of things.  Most traditional news I've seen has painted a fairly bleak picture, while most of what I see from blogs, twitter, and such, shows much more humanity than anything.  It's a tough situation and terrible things have happened in this country, and there's a heck of a lot that we have to fix.  I just hope that new media helps cut through filters to the heart of truth, but like everything, we always need to do research and formulate our opinions based on facts that we can verify. 

I think I'm getting rambly, but that's the idea behind this.  Originally I wanted to have a lot more screens showing a lot more perspectives, but I barely even had time for what you see here. 

That's all for this one!  My next prompt suggestion post is going up momentarily, so feel free to submit a suggestion between then and noon tomorrow to enter tomorrow's random drawing and the chance to get your idea drawn tomorrow!  And if not tomorrow, some day soon : ) 

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