Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Daily Sketch Project Day 37 - Small Council Tea Ceremony

Well will you look at that?  Two tea-related prompts in as many days!  Different kinds of tea, but still!  This suggestion comes from Linh, a fan of both game of thrones, and a practitioner of the art of Japanese Tea Ceremony.  I loved the opportunity to combine the two, though I realized mid way that Littlefinger is too far back from where he should be.  If I'd had time, I'd have recomposed the picture, but I'm pleasantly surprised with how much I actually got down! 

For commentary on the illustration, in the foreground, we have Littlefinger playing Teishu and making tea for the others, looking rather pleased with himself.  Do we even want to know why?  Tywin's just drunk tea and is looking over Petyr's work with a very critical eye.  Varys is contemplating eating the pre-tea sweet, but he knows that Petey has a history of using dubious stock in his culinary concoctions, and doesn't like the look on the man's face.  Pycelle doesn't seem to be able to sit in seiza as long as he used to and is having a bit of a tough time. 

Thanks for the most excellent suggestion, Linh!  This was really fun to draw.  I hope everybody likes it! 

I'll make my next submissions post round midnight, so feel free to get your submissions in between then and noon tomorrow in time to get it in the running for my next sketch! 

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