Thursday, April 30, 2015

Daily Sketch Project Day 39 - Baltimore Media

Today's prompt comes from Edward, and he wanted to see something relating to the Batlimore media.  I'm not sure how well I represented my idea in the time I had, but since it's probably not clear enough, I wanted to juxtapose traditional newscast media between social media, because there's a fairly wide chasm of difference between what old media is portraying vs the new, with people on the ground in the thick of things.  Most traditional news I've seen has painted a fairly bleak picture, while most of what I see from blogs, twitter, and such, shows much more humanity than anything.  It's a tough situation and terrible things have happened in this country, and there's a heck of a lot that we have to fix.  I just hope that new media helps cut through filters to the heart of truth, but like everything, we always need to do research and formulate our opinions based on facts that we can verify. 

I think I'm getting rambly, but that's the idea behind this.  Originally I wanted to have a lot more screens showing a lot more perspectives, but I barely even had time for what you see here. 

That's all for this one!  My next prompt suggestion post is going up momentarily, so feel free to submit a suggestion between then and noon tomorrow to enter tomorrow's random drawing and the chance to get your idea drawn tomorrow!  And if not tomorrow, some day soon : ) 

Daily Sketch Project Day 39

Submit your ideas between now and noon to get your idea in the roulette for tomorrow's drawing!  Here are the prompts currently in the running! 

J'dee: A re-hash of my first fanart

Sam: A penguin with a top hat, monocle, and book

Anthony: The Lost Roman Legion fighting a tyrannosaur

Riza: Gannicus and Oenomaus greeting each other in afterlife

Leah: Daenerys riding a dragon

James: Garnet from SU as a noir detective

Laura: JohnVriska

Arthur: Left-handed tea

Chris P.: The Doctor(s) and Nyarlathotep(s) playing poker, speed chess, and Mahjong all at once

Alison: Tahno wearing a “i lost my waterbending and all i got was this stupid trombone” shirt 

Eddie: Baltimore Media

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Daily Sketch Project Day 38 - Kitsune and Owl Spirit in the Snow

Hey folks!  Today's suggestion comes from my wonderful friend Belle an interesting process, because my first instincts were all over the shoulder shots, up and down shots, but that felt too easy, over-used.  So I did my best to (within a reasonable timeframe) think up a different, hopefully more interesting composition.  With any luck, I've achieved that.  I think my brain too often strains out the impulse for a good flat on (relatively) composition, when there are myriad ways to compose wonderful scenes without dynamic angles being necessity.  Probably all the growing up on DragonBall Z and whatnot. 

I wanted it to look sort of like a painting from a scroll or an illustration from a book.  Something serene.  A chance meeting in a Japanese forest at night under light snowfall somehow strikes me that way, so that's what I drew. 

I hope everybody likes it!  I'm quite happy with it, actually.  I think it's going on the list of candidates for extra work, come the sixty day mark! 

Thanks for the suggestion Belle!  It was a fantastico one!  I'll be making my next post for suggestions around midnight, where I'll list those currently in the running and you can add yours in before noon tomorrow for a chance to be tomorrow's drawing inspiration :D 

Daily Sketch Project Day 38

 All righty folks!  Submit your ideas here before noon tomorrow for the chance for your idea to be tomorrow's daily sketch!  Here are the ideas in the running as of now:

 Jax: A re-hash of my first fanart

Sam: A penguin with a top hat, monocle, and book

Anthony: The Lost Roman Legion fighting a tyrannosaur

Brian: The Pope fighting the evil minions of the underworld

Riza: Gannicus and Oenomaus greeting each other in afterlife

Leah: Daenerys riding a dragon

James: Garnet from SU as a noir detective

Laura: JohnVriska

Arthur: Left-handed tea

Belle: A Kitsune looking up in a tree at an Owl Spirit

Chris P.: The Doctor(s) and Nyarlathotep(s) playing poker, speed chess, and Mahjong all at once

Alison: Tahno wearing a “i lost my waterbending and all i got was this stupid trombone” shirt

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Daily Sketch Project Day 37 - Small Council Tea Ceremony

Well will you look at that?  Two tea-related prompts in as many days!  Different kinds of tea, but still!  This suggestion comes from Linh, a fan of both game of thrones, and a practitioner of the art of Japanese Tea Ceremony.  I loved the opportunity to combine the two, though I realized mid way that Littlefinger is too far back from where he should be.  If I'd had time, I'd have recomposed the picture, but I'm pleasantly surprised with how much I actually got down! 

For commentary on the illustration, in the foreground, we have Littlefinger playing Teishu and making tea for the others, looking rather pleased with himself.  Do we even want to know why?  Tywin's just drunk tea and is looking over Petyr's work with a very critical eye.  Varys is contemplating eating the pre-tea sweet, but he knows that Petey has a history of using dubious stock in his culinary concoctions, and doesn't like the look on the man's face.  Pycelle doesn't seem to be able to sit in seiza as long as he used to and is having a bit of a tough time. 

Thanks for the most excellent suggestion, Linh!  This was really fun to draw.  I hope everybody likes it! 

I'll make my next submissions post round midnight, so feel free to get your submissions in between then and noon tomorrow in time to get it in the running for my next sketch! 

Daily Sketch Project Day 37

Submit your ideas for noon PST tomorrow for the chance to get it drawn within the day!  Here are the ideas in the running right now:
Jax: A re-hash of my first fanart
Sam: A penguin with a top hat, monocle, and book
Anthony: The Lost Roman Legion fighting a tyrannosaur
Brian: The Pope fighting the evil minions of the underworld
Riza: Gannicus and Oenomaus greeting each other in afterlife
Leah: Daenerys riding a dragon
James: Garnet from SU as a noir detective
Laura: JohnVriska
Arthur: Left-handed tea
Linh: Small Council Tea Ceremony
Belle: A Kitsune looking up in a tree at an Owl Spirit
Chris P.: The Doctor(s) and Nyarlathotep(s) playing poker, speed chess, and Mahjong all at once
Alison: Tahno wearing a “i lost my waterbending and all i got was this stupid trombone” shirt? hahaha . . if that can even fit on a shirt 

Monday, April 27, 2015

Daily Sketch Project Day 36 - Owl Tea Party

Today's prompt comes from Julian, and so I decided to draw SEVERAL owl tea parties, because there's nothing I love more than just overextending myself.  It was originally going to be one, but then as I was drawing it, I started imagining an Owl Tea Tree cafe with outdoor seating, and so it turned into this. 

Of course I zoomed in too far, and forgot that I wasn't looking at the whole canvas, and only zoomed out enough when time was up, so that's why the white space on the left.  Apologies for my mistakes there!  My fauly for giving myself too much to do in thirty minutes. 

I hope everyone enjoys it, in spite of its incompleteness. 

Thanks for the excellent suggestion, Julian, and for everyone else who submitted them.  I've noted all the new suggestions, and they'll be put in the running for selection for tomorrow's drawing, along with the others that have been given this month. 

Just reiterating, but I'm keeping suggestions on file now, so folks don't have to submit them over and over.  One suggestion per person at a time, so if you have a new one, but your last one has yet to be drawn, you can replace it with your new one.  When I make my post tonight at midnight, I'll list the suggestions in the running, so that you can see if yours is there and figure whether you want to make one/a new one! 

See you then! 

Daily Sketch Project Day 36

Reply with a suggestion before noon PST tomorrow for a chance to see it drawn! 

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Daily Sketch Project Day 35 - Pope vs. The Underworld

Today's suggestion comes from Brian, who wanted a drawing of the Pope fighting the minions of the underworld, and so here he is doing just that!  I guess he must have decided to take the fight to Satan and storm the Plains of Tartarus, because he's fighting a giant infernal army atop a blasted peak.  This one could definitely use a lot more time, but it helped at least a little that creatures of the pit don't exactly necessitate nice, smooth, clean lines. 

Hope you like it Brian, and that everyone else does as well! 

Keep watch for my next post calling for submissions at midnight tonight.  In case you didn't see, I'm keeping all suggestions on file now, and keeping them up for random selection, so if you make one, you won't have to keep requesting it.  Only one per person at a time, so if you just got your idea drawn, you can submit a new idea, and if you already suggested one, but want another instead, just reply with it and it will replace your former suggestion. 

If there's any questions, feel free to ask! 

Daily Sketch Project Addendum

Hey folks!  So after some thought, I’ve decided to make an alteration to the way I process all your wonderful suggestions (I know I know; another one???), that I think will make it all better and easier for everyone!

Instead of starting from scratch each day, I’ll keep all the suggestions I get on file, so you won’t have to repost them all the time.  Once you make a suggestion, it will keep in the running until it gets drawn, or until you replace it with a different suggestion.  You can still only have one in the running at a time, is what I’m thinking for the moment.  We’ll see how it works. 

So what I’m going to do is go back and take down all the ones that were given, but haven’t been drawn, starting with Day 30 of DSP.  I’ll put those all in the running so they get selected sooner or later.  So if you made a suggestion since then that hasn’t been drawn, it will keep in the selection pool.  If you come up with an idea you’d rather see, just submit it on one of my Daily Posts and it will replace whatever idea of yours is currently in the running. 

This way folks who don’t have all the time in the world to submit prompts over and over can still get their ideas drawn : ) 

For reference, the ideas that I currently have in the running now are such:

Julian: An owl tea party

J’dee: A re-hash of my first fanart

Sam: A penguin with a top hat, monocle, and book 

Anthony: The Lost roman legion fighting a tyrannosaur

Brian: The Pope fighting the evil minions of the underworld 

Riza: Gannicus and Oenomaus getting each other in the afterlife

Leah: Daenerys riding a dragon

James: Garnet from SU as a noir detective

Laura: JohnVriska

Wayu: Left-handed tea

Linh D.: The Red Viper vs. The Mountain

I’m using everyone’s most recent suggestions, so if you have a different idea you’d rather see drawn, just comment on my most recent DSP suggestion post and it will replace whatever suggestion you see listed here.  Feel free to change your suggestion as much as you want!  It won't affect the odds at all : )  If you don’t see your idea on this list, reply with it and I’ll add it to the random selection pool and keep it there until it gets chosen and I draw it! 

I hope this all makes sense, and will be a better, easier system for DSP.  If you have any questions at all, let me know and I’ll gladly answer them! 

At noon PST later today I’ll pick a random prompt from among these and any others that come in before that deadline, and so it shall continue each day!  Looking forward to it :D 

Daily Sketch Project Day 35

Sorry again for the lateness of the post!  Please do comment here with ideas for tomorrow's drawing for a chance to see it come to life by my hand! 

Daily Sketch Project Day 34 - Raiden vs. Kakashi

Sorry for being crazy late, but better late than never!  Today's suggestion comes from my friend Nick, and he asked for a chess match between Raiden from Mortal Kombat and Hatake Kakashi from Naruto, and here is my interpretation!  Kakashi looks like he's doing his utmost to divine Raiden's strategy with the help of his Sharingan (which let's just say he still has at this point), but I don't think we can fault him its use, since Raiden IS a god after all.  I'm not sure who's winning, or how the match will come out, but it looks to be a nail biter! 

Thanks for the EXCELLENT prompt, Sir Nick!  Two of my favorite characters from two of my favorite franchises facing off: who could ask for more? 

The post for tomorrow's sketch will go up right after this, so feel free to comment on it with an idea for a chance to get it drawn! 

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Daily Sketch Project Day 34

Reply with a prompt between now and noon PST tomorrow for a chance to get it drawn! 

Friday, April 24, 2015

Daily Sketch Project Day 33 - Sun Wukong and Arya

So today's suggestion comes from my friend Michelle, who asked to see Sun Wukong (Son Goku/The Monkey King) from The Journey to the West hitting on Arya Stark from Game of Thrones. 

I'd been thinking about how I'd like to try and do something with multiple images, comic/storyboard style for DSP, so I decided to try it for this one.  It probably would have been simpler if I was doing it with two characters I've often drawn, so this one's by no means the cleanest or best presented, but I did what I could within thirty minutes.  Hopefully it at least reads clearly enough.  The Monkey King learns that demigod or not, Arya don't take none of that sloppy pickup artist business from nobody. 

I hope you like it, Michelle, and that everyone one else does too! 

Look out for my next post at midnight PST, and comment on it anytime before noon tomorrow for your chance to get your idea drawn! 

Daily Sketch Project Day 33

Reply with a suggestion on this post between now and noon PST tomorrow, and I’ll randomly pick one suggestion.  It may very well be yours! 

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Daily Sketch Project Day 32 - Alex and Heisenberg

Hello there! So today's topic comes from my father, who requested two of his favorite fictional characters, Walter White a la Heisenberg from Breaking Bad and Alex Delarge from A Clockwork Orange. It looks as though Sir Heisenberg is attempting to discuss "reasonable" business with Alex, who seems to be taking the whole matter rather flippantly, much to Mr. White chagrin.

I wish I'd had time to shore up the lines and add in a background; probably something from the Clockwork Orange landscape. Somehow it's easier to imagine Walter there than Alex in a desert. I dunno.

I hope you like it dad! It was fantastic to finally draw these two amazing, iconic, infamous characters!

Thanks to everyone who submitted prompts! Keep an eye out at midnight PST tonight for my next post, where you can reply with ideas until noon tomorrow! Sorry for being a bit late posting it last night!  

Daily Sketch Project Day 32

Sorry for the lateness of the post!  Still not used to it myself.  Reply with an idea before noon PST tomorrow and it may very well get drawn! 

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Daily Sketch Projecet Day 31 - Yautja

Hey folks!  Kicking off the start of the second 30-day cycle of Daily Sketch Project!  So many people submitted AWESOME prompts today, and I selected one at random, which was my friend Brandon's, which simply said, "Yautja!!!!!!!!"  I'm ashamed to say that until I saw that, I had no idea what the true name of the Predator species was!  I'm glad to have learned, and glad to have been set to drawing one!  Looks like this one might be preparing for a night hunt...or maybe enjoying the sunset from a treeborn vantage point (though the former seems more likely, given the species' proclivities).

Thanks very much for the suggestion, Brandon!  I hope you and everyone else like it.

And thanks to EVERYONE who submitted prompt ideas!  I hope to get to draw all of yours in the future!  Just to make sure everyone knows, I want to say again that I'll now be making posts at 12AM PST each day and will leave it open for one suggestion per person until 12PM the next day.  Submit an idea in that time frame, and I'll choose one randomly from all that are offered!  Hopefully this gives more people more of a chance to get their ideas drawn.

My next post will go up at midnight PST tonight, so keep an eye for it then, or look to my page anytime before noon to reply with an idea!  No more switching back and forth between tumblr, so you have a chance every single day! 

Daily Sketch Project Monthly 1 Revisited - A Ghastly Encounter in the Life of Wilkie Collins Version 2

All right folks, so here's the drawing I decided to work further on from this past month, my friend Mark’s Wilkie Collins/Drood-related prompt.  It was hard choosing between so many that clearly needed more time, but in the end, I think this was the one where what I wanted to show contrasted the most with what I got down.  The chasm of vision to product was fairly wide with this one.  And I had a particular vision for it, which involved more time than I had within thirty minutes.  The lines were left unfinished, and the feeling of this picture is so heavily dependent upon light and shade, and I barely got any down on the first run through, so I decided to give it so much as I could manage within an additional hour, and here is the result.  By no means perfect, but a vast improvement I think!

I hope Mark and all of you folks like it!  I'm sorry I can't devote more time to all the suggestions I get, but maybe at the end of this next month, yours will be the one that gets revisited!

Submissions are open now for tomorrow's sketch, so find the appropriate post on my blog, and comment with your prompt before noon PST tomorrow to enter the running! 

Daily Sketch Project Day 31

New month of Daily Sketch Project, and if you haven’t heard, you will now be able to submit your ideas (one per person) any time every day from midnight to noon PST.  I’ll make a post every night at midnight, and you can reply to that with your idea, or send it as an anon/fanmail.  At noon, I’ll tally all the suggestions up and pick one at random to draw. 

I can’t accept anonymous suggestion unfortunately, since there’s no way to track that a person isn’t making multiple suggestions. 

So submit your ideas any time between now and noon PST on Wednesday April 22, and you might see your idea drawn! 

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Daily Sketch Project Day 30 - Kung Fu Trix vs. Ninja Easter Bunny

Day 30 at last of DSP!  Basically a month now, woohoo!  And on that one month mark, Ryu finally gets in the suggestion he's had in mind since Easter Sunday!  A martial arts showdown between two of the highest profile rabbit characters around.  Looking at it now, I wish I'd made the Easter Bunny's pose a little more exaggerated and dynamic, but I'm pretty happy with the Trix Rabbit, even though I know no kung fu, and figure it's probably not even close to anything correct.  Maybe it's my ninjutsu knowledge that made me more conservative on the Easter Bunny's pose.  Ah well! 

I hope you like it Evan!  And I hope all of you folks like it as well. 

Thanks for sticking it out with me and helping me with all your excellent suggestions through thirty days of this project. I hope you'll all continue to participate as it keeps on going! 

So as I'd brought up in previous posts, for the next thirty days, I'm doing a new idea submission system to see how it works. 

BASCIALLY here's what to do.  At midnight every day PST (starting in 1 hour and 15 minutes) I will make a post for that day, and you can submit one idea per day per person on that post OR as an ask/fanmail (opening suggestions up for there now as well).  I'll accept submissions until 12 hours later at 12PM noon.  At that time, I'll take all the ideas suggested and randomly select one to draw that day.  This random selection will be taken from suggestions from both facebook, tumblr, and comments on blogspot, so now you'll have a chance every day to submit your idea!  I'm looking forward to seeing how this works.  If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! 

I still need to select which illustration to work further on for this thirty day mark.  A tough decision!  Not sure whether I'm wanting to post it on Day 30 itself or on Day 31 to mark a new 30 day cycle.  I'll figure it out, which means that it will either go up tonight or sometime tomorrow. 

All right folks, watch for my post at midnight and submit your idea anytime from then until noon! 

Monday, April 20, 2015

Daily Sketch Project Day 29 - Capleesi Throws the Books

“Please tell me again how Ellaria wants to mutilate a child!  TELL ME AGAIN, YOU CHARACTER ASSASSINS!  Oh I’d also like to know WHERE ARIANNE IS!!!” 

So today’s prompt comes from Capleesi who desired an illustration of her throwing the A Song of Fire and Ice Books at Game of Thrones showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss.  Capleesi, along with many more of us are often grieved by some of the adaptation choices they make, and this season has seen its fair share even so far.  There are a great many things the show does right, and I’m all for adaptation in lieu of rote translation to screen, but there are some that I just can’t understand, and see no point in. 

But that’s a long discussion for another day.  It seems here that Capleesi herself has reopened the fighting pits of Meereen and has seen fit to put D&D in gladiator garb and hurl weighty novels at them from on high. 

I hope you like it Faru :P  I wish I could have gotten more done on it, but hopefully it’s visually clear enough to get some of the point across.  Thanks for the idea!  :D 

Tomorrow’s suggestion will come from facebook, and marks Day 30 of DSP!  This means that in addition to a 30 minute sketch, I’ll pick out one drawing from the last thirty days and devote another hour to working on it.  With all the awesome ideas I’ve been given, this is going to be a tough choice! 

ALSO, I’ll make another post later to reiterate, but with the next 30 days of DSP, I’m going to try a new system.  Every day from 12AM to 12PM, I’m going to open up the floodgates and take all suggestions, either in reply to the day’s post, or through asks/fanmail.  At 12PM each day I’ll accrue all the suggestions from here and facebook, and will pick one to do at random.  This means no more back and forth, one day on facebook, one on tumblr.  You’ll have a chance to submit ideas every day!  I’ll try this for the next thirty days and see how it goes/if people like it. 

The first will come not at midnight tonight, but from midnight the day after until noon.  I’ll put up the alert again in due time! 

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Daily Sketch Project Day 28 - Tiger-Dragon Style Cards

Today's prompt comes from my friend Sarah, who requested a dragon and tiger playing cards. I was all too happy to oblige!

It's the second time I've been tasked with drawing a dragon, and the third of a cat (though never one this big. Hopefully this is helping my animal drawing skills, which are woefully undeveloped.

I'm not sure how this game got set up or who's winning, but it looks to be a fierce comeptition in more ways than one!

Thanks for the suggestion, Sarah! I hope you and everybody elese like it! grin emoticon

Tomorrow's suggestion will come from tumblr, and check back on facebook on Tuesday at 12PM PST for Day 30 of this project, where I'll do my usual sketch, and choose one of the past sketches to work on for another full hour!  

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Daily Sketch Project Day 27 - Favorite Fictional Meeting

So Alison came at me today with a tough one.  Not necessarily the drawing itself, but the CHOOSING OF FAVORITES, at which I am famously bad.  I had to go down and make a list of all the favorite characters I could think of.  Close runners up included Deidara, Donatello, Hannibal, Ichimaru, Kuno, Ra’s al Ghul, and Ryoga.  But in the end, I came down to a decision which I’ve made previous. 

The one and only Batman.  Calm me basic fanboy trash if you like, but I gotta be real.  There’s a lifelong history of love there, followed through manifold incarnations, and still burning strong to this day.  Whatever meta and philosophical, ethical arguments are made for or against him, my fandom remains strong.  There are so many versions too.  I love a great many, but if I’m having to choose what represents Batman fully and at his core, to me, then I’m going Batman: The Animated Series, first three seasons, pre-redesign, not season four, not any other DCAU.  Initial design, initial style.  That Batman is the Batman I love most. 

Thought about doing Batman IN the picture but...I figure maybe hinting makes for a better composition.  Also leaves the interpretation of Batman’s looks relatively open to the imagination. 
But yeah, in the circumstance of coming face to face with the Caped Crusader, I can’t rightly say exactly what I’d do, but here is an approximation. 

Thanks for the prompt again Alison!  I hope you are pleased and amused :3 

Tomorrow’s prompt will come from facebook, and check back here at 12PM PST on Monday for my next tumblr post! 

Friday, April 17, 2015

Daily Sketch Project Day 26 - Forest Fire

Hey there! Today's prompt comes from my most excellent sister, Laura, and she had a very particular idea and format. She wanted her suggestion drawn to incite an emotional response without showing any faces (or people/animals at all for bonus points), and her topic was, "forest fire."

I very much like the specificity of the challenge and to get to do some background work! Excellent to get some non-creature/person-focused stuff in here too.

Without focusing on figures, and a focus on natural forms, I had more time to focus on light and shading. I was hoping to take the subtlty even further and not actually even show the fire, but imply its presence. Looking at it now, I hope it's visually clear that the thing in the middle-ish is a bird's nest. I think I got caught up too much in the other elements and might could have made that clearer. With any luck, evenyone will understand that visually without my explanation.

So thank you Laura, for thinkin' outside the box and making me think outside the box! Excellent suggestion, and I look forward to more of your ideas :D  

Tomorrow's prompt will come from tumblr, and check back here on facbeook at 12PM PST on Sunday for my next post here!  

Daily Sketch Project Day 25 - Team Magma’s Maxie

Hey folks! 

Sorry for the extreme lateness of today’s sketch!  Better than never.  Today’s prompt comes from an anonymous person.  Generally I go only from direct responses to my DSP posts, but no one replied to today’s so the anon in my askbox gets it! 

So here we have the leader of Team Magma from Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire, Maxie!  I have to admit I’ve not played that generation of Pokemon games, so my actual knowledge about this fellow is basically nill.  I was in such a rush to do this, I totally forgot one of the options was to draw a favorite Pokemon of mine, which in retrospect, I wish I’d done.  Ah well, maybe I’ll still get that suggestion another time. 

I hope you like this, anonymous person!  Thanks for the suggestion : ) 

Tomorrow’s suggestion will come from facebook, and look back here on Saturday for my next tumblr post at 12PM PST! 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Okay, so I've been thinking about the format of DSP, and have been wondering if a different way might be better.  So currently, it's a first come, first serve kind of thing, so it goes to whoever is the fastest at typing things out and getting things in.  And not everyone can get to a computer around noon, so it's not entirely equitable, or not so much as it could be. 

SO what I'm thinking is this.  What if I made a post every night at midnight, and would accept all suggestions from 12AM to 12PM, from both tumblr and facebook, then I put them all in a hat or (or the technological equivalent), and then chose one at random?  That way everyone would get their suggestions out there, and there'd be a much more flexible window during which to do it.  More people would have the opportunity to get stuff in, and even though only one will get drawn, it might be more fair all around.  It would also get rid of the back and forth format of tumblr and facebook, and combine it all into one, which would simplify things something fierce. 

What do you guys think?  If folks like this idea over the current system, then I'll implement it once I pass the 30 day mark on the challenge and try that out going forward.  Please do send in feedback and your preference!


Hey everybody!
I wanted to clear something up on Daily Sketch Project suggestions real quick to help everybody.  I think it’s my fault for making it a confusing process, so I want to clear up the format a little.
So every other day I make a post every day, alternating on tumblr and facebook at 12PM PST, asking for prompts.  The first person to reply to that status on that day will get their suggestion drawn.  It has to be the first comment on that day’s status to be eligible.  I’ve gotten several suggestions on past statuses, which I can’t count unfortunately (today I excepted because of my aunt’s impeccable promptness).
So basically, look for the date of the status, and if it’s today’s date, that’s the right one!  Then if there are no comments, make yours, and if you are indeed first, that suggestion is getting sketched up!
I’ve begun thinking about an alternate way to do it that would give everyone a better chance of getting their idea drawn, which I’ll probably try after the thirty day mark.  I’ll make a post about that plan soon and see what you all think!  This is as much your project as it is mine, after all!
Thanks, and I hope this helped clear things up.  If you have any questions, please feel free to ask! 

Daily Sketch Project Day 24 - Jesus in the Garden of Gethesmane and Khaleesi and Her Dragons

So today's a bit anomalous because I've done two sketches, instead of one. I made an exception today because my Aunt Cheri has really been working to get in this first suggestion, and she was right on time with it and everything, but it was on the wrong status. Then Lisandra made the first comment on today's status, so I decided to do them both. I'll make a post after this working to clear up any confusion about where to comment. People have commented before on the wrong status, but never so promptly, so I excepted this situation.

ANYWAY, Aunt Cheri wanted me to draw Jesus in the Garden of Gethesmane, where he prayed for three hours the night before his Crucifixion. It's been a long time since I've read these verses, and I was taken aback by how intense they were. It's one of those times where Jesus is shown as most human I think.

He says to his disciples, before going to pray, "“My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death." Then he goes and repeatedly begs God not to make it so that he must die by Crucifixion. In the verses, it's clearly stated that he's anguished. And he's desperate. If there's any way around the particular fate God has in mind, he's pleading for it. It's very powerful to me, and really shows his humanity. 

I hope you like it Aunt Cheri! I'm sorry I couldn't do more with such powerful source material! 
But taking any actual scene on artistically is a historically imposing process! Hundreds and hundreds of great artists through history, some of the greatest, depict Biblical scenes. I'm not Leonardo, or Albrecht Durer or anything, but I did what I could in a half hour time frame.  
And Lisandra wanted me to draw Daenerys from Game of Thrones, and her dragons, particularly from the season 1 finale. I'm not sure I've ever drawn Khaleesi before, so it was fun to finally get to do that! I also got to use the cursory knowledge of bat wing anatomy that I learned for a piece in October :P  That was very handy, as it turned out, since GoT dragon wings (and most dragon wings you see) are basically bat wings.

I hope you like it, Lisandra, and that everyone else does as well!  

Tomorrow's suggestion will come from tumblr, but watch out here for the new status I'll make on facebook at 12PM PST on Friday!  

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Daily Sketch Project Day 23 - Kakshi versus Obito

So today’s prompt comes from mah buddy Gabe, who wanted Kakashi vs. Obito, Harry vs. Voldemort style, in so many words.  A complex prompt involving a lot, so I had to move pretty fast through this one, which means that it’s all a heck of a lot sloppier and more unfinished than I’d like, but I did what I could.  I did “fallen ninja of their past,” as opposed to people they’d killed because in my rush, I didn’t have time to try to remember their whole kill lists, and some of the most important people to them didn’t die by their hands so.  Yondaime and Rin in the middle, and though they got no detail, Zabuza was gonna be on the left and Deidara on the right (because it’s me and I never would not involve him given opportunity). 

I hope you like it Gabe!  Thanks for the excellent suggestion!  Sorry I couldn’t get it finished more. 

Tomorrow’s Daily Sketch will come from facebook suggestions.  My next post on tumblr will be on Thursday at 12PM PST! 

Monday, April 13, 2015

Daily Sketch Project Day 22 - Korra Waterbending

Today's suggestion comes from my friend Toast, who wanted to see Korra waterbending! There were a thousand and five ways to go with that, and this is where I went. I feel like I should have and could have done better ;____; I was going for a sort of semi-curvilinear foreshortened thing, and I just don't think I took the idea to its peak potential, and for that I'm sorry. The thirty minute time limit can be a harsh mistress, as can be my insistence to give myself overcomplicated challenges. I don't dislike the drawing, I just wish that I had done better!

I hope you like it, Toast. You've been patient and finally got your suggestion in, and I thank you for your persistence! It was a fun one to do! Another I think could use some more time or another draft to better it. We'll see what happens at 30 days' end!

Tomorrow's prompt will come from tumblr, and check back in here on facebook on Wednesday for my next post at 12PM PST!  

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Daily Sketch Project Day 21 - Ramsay Bolton Leaked Game of Thrones

“Look father!  See how they scream and gnash their teeth in vain?  Isn’t it glorious father?  Father?  Father…?” 

Today’s prompt comes from Faru and certainly left me a fair amount of latitude.  Who indeed has leaked these first few episodes of Game of Thrones?  (In case you don’t know, the first four have been leaked online and rumors have said five and six may follow, so beware spoilers)  Who would be stupidly mean-spirited and sadistic enough to-oh yeah.  Ramsay Bolton.  He wanted to have a few laughs.  Make Papa Bolton proud.  As usual though, it looks like this interferes with Roose’s machinations (ruses, if you will), and he’s left trying to pick up the pieces his son so carelessly shattered and flung about the hall. 

I wish I’d had more time on this one.  I had to go at a pretty fair pace to get everything down, which meant little to no time for corrections.  I’d like another pass over Ramsay’s face to make it look better.  A contender for revisiting at the thirty day mark! 

Thanks for the idea Faru!  I hope my prediction of the culprit pleases you :P 

Tomorrow’s prompt will come from facebook, and Tuesday’s from here on sunny tumblr at 12PM PST! 

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Daily Sketch Project Day 20 - Margaret Thatcher's Angry Ghost

So for Day 20, of my Daily Sketch Project, my pal Tristyn enthusiastically requested the title of this post. With two exclamation points even! I don't know why, but I almost immediately knew what I was going to draw, and this is basically it. The Baroness is clearly very disappointed in the lot of us, and is staring down with very clear disdain. Funnily enough, I very nearly didn't draw the UK and Ireland on the globe. Got caught up with the rest and told myself I'd come back to it, then plum forgot. A near, ironic miss!

I hope ya like it Tristyn, and it's my desire that the same can be said for everyone else as well!

Tomorrow's prompt shall come from tumblr, and keep vigil on Monday at 12PM PST for my next post here on facebook!  

Friday, April 10, 2015

Daily Sketch Project Day 19 - A Ghastly Encounter in the Life of Wilkie Collins

So today’s suggestion comes from Mark​, and involved Victorian-era writer Wilkie Collins.  He asked for this: "Wilkie Collins, in a laudanum-induced stupor, frozen in terror at the bottom of his stairwell as a ghastly woman in a green silk dress, with rotting skin and black, empty eyes, descends toward him, smiling in the flickering light of the gas lamps on."  This is, if memory serves, a scene straight from the pages of Dan Simmons’s amazing novel Drood.  It’s a historical novel, written from the point of view of Wilkie Collins, a friend and colleague of Charles Dickens.  Dickens enlists Collins in his research for his final book, a book involving murder.  This research takes them to all manner of strange and disturbing places Wilkie finds himself increasingly plagued by the macabre and increasingly supernatural phenomenon.  It’s a seriously amazing novel.  One of my favorites.  Ever.  Guillermo del Toro was supposed to direct an adaptation, but I don’t know if that’s still happening or not...  I want/need it so much.

ANYWAY, Mark is actually the one who recommended the book to me, and I am ever so glad that he did.  I’ve wanted to draw from Drood for a long time actually, but little ever panned out, so I was ecstatic to jump on this prompt!  I just wish I’d had more time with it.  I still have the vision for this drawing in my head!  Thirty minutes simply wasn’t enough time for me to get it down in the way I wanted.  I probably should have sacrificed clear lines for more tone, but the die is cast now, alas.

I hope you all can get an idea of what I was going for based on the description Mark provided, and what I did do.  I hope you like it Mark, and everyone else!  Thanks for the wonderful suggestion!

Tomorrow’s prompt will come from facebook, and watch out at 12PM PST on Sunday for my next post on tumblr! 

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Daily Sketch Project Day 18 - Hakeem Olajuwan Dunking on a Unicorn

So today's prompt comes from my friend Kris, who wanted to see, "hakeem olajuwan dunking over a unicorn, propelled by his own diarrhea, while eating a taco." I'm sorry to disappoint, Sir Kris, but I only drew 3/4 of your request. I'm hoping to keep the project fairly Safe For Work, as they say, if I can. I hope you can forgive my punking out and that the other 3/4 please you.

For those who don't know (mostly non-Houstonians I'd guess), Hakeem Olajuwan was basically Houston's answer to Michael Jordan and led the team to two consecutive championships in 1994 and 1995.

Thanks for the your most imaginitive suggestion, Kristopher! Tomorrow's prompt will come from tumblr, and Saturday's from facebook.  Keep an eye out at 12PM PST!  

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Daily Sketch Project Day 17 - Princess Yum Yum

Today’s prompt comes from my pal Erica, who wanted me to draw Princess Yum Yum from The Thief and the Cobbler. It’s one of the most amazing, frustrating, depressing stories in the history of storytelling, in my opinion, so I am humbled to present even this paltry tribute to such a magnificent project (seriously, if you don’t know the story, I recommend looking up the production history of this movie. Disclaimer: I can’t guarantee how you’ll feel about Aladdin by the end of it).

Thanks for the excellent prompt, Erica! This quite fun! :> Tomorrow's post will come from tumblr and Friday will come from facebook!  Keep an eagle eye out at noon PST.  

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Daily Sketch Project Day 16 - Walrus Flying in the Sky

 Today's suggestion, after several previous attempts, comes from Jess, who requested a walrus flying in the sky.

I had two inverse ideas for this, with the other being people in a city looking up at a flying walrus, but that allowed less detail on said creature, so I opted for more of a walrus solo venture, as it soars through the clouds, over fields. I have no idea why it's in a temperate climate, but it probably has something to do with why it can fly in the first place. Never drawn a walrus before (so far as I can remember), so this was a fun new experience!

Thanks for the suggestion, Jess, and thanks for your persistence! I'm glad I could finally get this drawn. I hope you like it!

Tomorrow's suggestion will come from tumblr. Keep watch on tumblr tomorrow at 12PM PST for my next post!  

Monday, April 6, 2015

Daily Sketch Project Day 15 - Alpacas

Hello there! Today’s suggestion comes from Laura and she requested “A super cute herd of alpacas.” Unfortunately in the composition of the thing I think I lost track of the super cuteness, so I think I drew more of a herd of alpacas than a super cute one, and for that I apologize. Any cuteness there is only because Alpacas are naturally adorable, as I’ve discovered more than ever, when finding references for this drawing. And they’re fun to and pretty easy to draw, because they’re so insanely fluffy. Just lots of ovals and circles, hahah. Twas great fun!

Not as cute as they could and should have been, but I hope you like it, Jibblie! And I hope all of the rest of you folk like it too!

Keep an eye out here on tomorrow at noon PST for my next post on facebook and Wednesday on tumblr!  

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Daily Sketch Project Day 14 - Jesus Not Rising

So today's prompt comes from Edward, who suggested the title of today's post. Now given the obvious interpretation, that's a dark prompt, whether you look at it from a religious perspective, or that of those who loved him. And while there's something to be said for speculative history and appreciating things by imagining their absence, on a day I find joyful, I couldn't bring myself to interpret it so dourly.

SO what you get instead is Jesus getting some much-needed rest and sleeping in. "Not rising," get it???? :DDDD He's been working hard and if anybody deserves a little extra shut-eye, it's this guy!  Though he was a man, it seems like I rarely see any depiction of his, what we'd think of as more "human" qualities, as opposed to divine ones.  Everybody's gotta sleep! 

I did some cursory research on more historically accurate ideas of what Jesus might have looked like and used those as inspiration in lieu of the typical European, art-based image that tends to come to mind.

Thanks Eddie, for the very interpretable prompt and Happy Easter again to all, and tune in Tuesday for my next facebook post at noon PST! Tomorrow's prompt will come from tumblr : )

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Daily Sketch Project Day 13 - Munchkin Kitten Playing with a Butterfly

So today’s prompt comes courtesy of Sonya, who suggested I draw a munchkin kitten playing with a butterfly, and so here is that drawing grin emoticon I guess we needed something adorable to balance out the dark ennui of yesterday’s Diablo offering!

Drawing the cuteness almost killed me, but I somehow survived. I hope you all do as well colonthree emoticon

Keep your eyes open tomorrow at noon PST  on facebook for my next post!

Thanks to Sonya and everyone who participates! Couldn’t do it without ya!  

Friday, April 3, 2015

Daily Sketch Project Day 12 - Diablo Eating Hot Wings and Questioning His Decisions

So today we have something a little different, that I found quite fun. Brandon got their first, asking for "DIABLO" (this could be interpreted any number of ways, but I chose the Blizzard version), then Ryu put in that he should be eating hot wings and David added that he should be questioning his decisions while doing so. Those adendums didn't violate Brandon's right to have his suggestion drawn, so I used all three to come up with this! I gues Diablo's going through some stuff.

The idea of multiple people contributing to an idea has appeal to me, so I might try to work out a way to do that in the future, with some, if not all, of the Daily Sketch prompts.

Thanks for the inspiration, gentlemen! I hope you like it!

Tomorrow's suggestion will come from tumblr, and watch out at noon PST on Easter Sunday for my next facebook post!


Thursday, April 2, 2015

Daily Sketch Project Day 11 - Koalaotters

Today’s prompt comes from Alison, and she suggested that I draw my favorite hyrbid animal from Avatar.  I went and looked through the list on the Avatar Wiki, and I gotta say, it’s hard to beat Koalaotters.  A combination of two of the most adorable animals this world of ours has to offer?  Yeah.  I can dig it. 

And so, as you can see here, a calm surface belies the frenzy of activity beneath.  While one takes a rest, the rest of the raft are having a glorious fun time down below. 

Thanks for the suggestion, Alison!  I had a great time with it :3 

Tomorrow’s suggestion comes from facebook, but watch out on Saturday at 12PM PST for my next post here! 

Daily Sketch Project Day 10 - Kittens with Katanas

It's day ten of DSP, and better late than never! Today was a bit busy, so I just got this done. Today's prompt comes from mah buddy airwapple, who previously commented asking for "kittens with katanas." Today she asked for kittens, so I figured I'd put katanas in just in case.

Better watch out. It looks like these little folks mean business! I love cats, but I don't often draw them, so this was quite fun, and adorable to reference.

Thanks for the suggestion, wapple! This was quite fun. Tomorrow's prompt will come from tubmlr, and watch out on facebook on Friday at 12PM PST for my next post here!