Sunday, May 31, 2015

Daily Sketch Project Day 70 - Faves In Zoot Suits

Hey there errybody! Today's suggestion comes from Zaki, who wanted to see 3-5 of my favorite people dressed in zoot suits. Now I know too many awesome, amazing people, so it was going to be an extremely stressful matter to choose who to draw from people I know personally. So I decided to make it simpler and pick from a pool of my favorite musicians/singers. SO from left to right we have David Byrne current solo artist and former member of Talking Heads, Brandon Flowers, both a solo artist and member of The Killers, and Andrew W.K. solo artist. Sadly poor Andrew didn't quite get his zoot suit, so I'm sorry for that. Just wanted to put them all together in poses typical of their performance styles, or citing specific examples. I would have added even more folks, but then I'd have gotten even less down. All amazing artists, who will probably never work together, but even if they just stood in close proximity, I'd probably lose my mind so, here's a drawing to hold me until that unlikely day arrives.

Thanks for the great prompt Zaki! I think DB turned out better than in the last drawing I did of him on here, so I hope that compounds your desire for David Byrne drawings. I hope you and everyone like it!  

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