Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Daily Sketch Project Day 58 - Scrooge McDuck Golfs with Mario

Hey there party people!  Today's prompt comes from Guillaume​, and he asked for just what you see here.  Scrooge McDuck using his cane to golf against Mario himself.  Blue collar vs. the upper crust.  From the look of it, Scrooge is displeased with how close the game has been, whether it's in his favor or not, and doesn't want to even get close to losing.  Mario just seems genuinely impressed with the skills of his opponent. 

This is a perfect example of why I love these daily sketches.  You guys come up with things I'd never ever even conceive of, and it puts me in a place to draw in manners and styles I might never have.  I'm not sure if I've ever drawn either of these styles before.  Maybe Mario at some point...?  I'm not sure.  Even though I'm sure they're off-model some, it was fun to draw the both of them, and I'd be happy to do so again. 

You guys all come up with such fantastic ideas, I love it!  Thanks a bunch Guillame!  I hope you and everyone like it!  Wish I could have gotten around to adding in a background in time. 

New post asking for prompts will go up after this! 

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