Friday, May 29, 2015

Daily Sketch Project Day 68

Okay folks, here you can submit ideas for future sketches! Each idea has a chance to be sketched every day, and will stay in the running it's drawn! These are those currently submitted:

Brandon: My favorite character from a book that has yet to be adapted into a movie

James: Steampunk Tsukino Usagi

Kristina: 2 dragons (parents) in love, with their baby sleeping at their feet

Sonya: The Adventures of Sonya Baggins, Farin Fandomshield, Chrisdalf the Grey against the dreaded and terrible CBSmaug

Kevin: A portrait of himself 

Zaki​: 3-5 of my favorite people in zoot suits 

Anthony​: The Inception crew trying to escape from Freddie Krueger

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