Thursday, May 21, 2015

Daily Sketch Project Day 60 - Darwin and Pokemon

Hey there! Today's suggestion comes from Anthony, who wanted to see Charles Darwin reacting to Pokemon evolution. It occurs to me now after the fact, that I never put anything in to indicate the Wartorle was evolving into the Blastoise and not that they're two separate Pokemon just standing next to each other. I guess hopefully your brains will fill in that gap >3>;;; Apologies!

I imagine such a feet might seem quite alarming to Sir Charles! Nothing like animals glowing and them undergoing rapid, massive, physics-defying changes. Yeah I imagine that would be shocking to the anyone not Pokemon initiated. I imagine seeing that in person would be quite something even for the biggest fan of the game. Let's hope Charlie keeps on his research and figures out how to explain the strange thing that Pokemon evolution is. Because I'll tell you I certainly don't know the science behind it!

Thanks for the excellent suggestion, Sir Anthony! I hope you and everyone else likes it!

It's Day 60 of DSP, so I'll be spending an extra hour on one of the drawings from the last thirty days and be posting it up later tonight!  

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