Monday, May 4, 2015

Daily Sketch Project Day 43 - JohnVris

Hey folks!  Today's prompt comes from Laura, who has asked for some JohnVris, A.K.A. the pairing of John Egbert and Vriska Serket from Homestuck.  For whatever reason, inspiration was doing it's best to be elusive today, even with such an exciting prompt, which I love to draw, and don't draw enough.  Went through several ideas, and started on one before realizing that it was almost the exact same as the Destiel sketch I did here before.  That was rather disheartening, but eventually, I decided to draw them having a rather spirited matchup in a video game of some sort, Vriska doing whatever it takes to win.  Looks like they're having a good time, no matter who's winning :3 

I wish this looked better.  I'm not all that satisfied with it, sadly :\  I'm sorry Laura, I hope you and everybody else like it anyway. 

Next call for prompts will go up in a few minutes.  Submit there between then and noon to enter into tomorrow's sketch lotto, and yours may soon find itself drawn by yours truly! 

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