Monday, June 15, 2015

Daily Sketch Project Day 85 - The Joker Puts On His Face

Hey folks!  Today's suggestion comes from Brandon, and he wanted to see The Joker "putting on his face."  Given recent comic events, this could have been taken rather literally.  I won't say I went for a tame interpretation, but a tamER interpretation?  He's fixing up his look after a rather...grotesque activity of some kind or another.  Seems rather unfazed, all things considered.  Imagine that! 

I feel like I need to work on my Joker design.  All things sai,d I'm not overly satisfied with the look I gave him here, so I'll have to work through it on any future Joker prompts to come up with something more satisfying. 

I hope you and everyone like it Brandon! 

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