Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Daily Sketch Project Day 100 - Indiana Jones Visits Warehouse 13

Dr. Jones: It should be in..a...a mu..seum...

Pete (whispering): Myka! It's Indiana JONES!!!

Myka: *rolls eyes*

Hey everyone and a Happy Centidiurnal to Daily Sketch Project! One hundred days, and one hundred sketches! And it's Anthony's sketch that came up in selection for Day 100. He wanted to see Indiana Jones visit Warehouse 13. For those who don't know, Warehouse 13 was a show on the Syfy Channel, where secret agents find and store magical and mystical artifacts in a giant warehouse, not at all dissimilar from that which stores The Ark of the Covenant in the Indiana Jones film series.

He seems quite taken aback by the warehouse stretching out before him, and Pete is barely able to contain his fanboy tendencies, while Myka finds this whole situation rather absurd.

It's a crossover I'd love to see on film or television. Ah, what a fine day that would be! It's not like some artifact couldn't bring Indiana Jones out of fiction into the reality of Warehouse 13. Or from an alternate dimension...or something. There are a LOT of possibilities. This also makes me realize that I really need to go back and finish up Warehouse 13, because I don't think I ever did, and I miss it ;___;

Thanks for the awesome suggestion, Anthony! It made for a great Day 100 prompt. I hope you and everyone else like it!

I'm still ruminating on what to do to commemorate Day 100, but you'll know it when I post it later tonight!  

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