Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Daily Sketch Project Day 9 - Destiel Smoochin’

Today’s suggestion comes from Faru, who said, “Let’s get some Destiel up in hyar,” to which I could only respond, “Let’s.” 

It has been long since I drew anythang or anybody from Supernatural, so it was fun to get reacquainted with drawing the characters.  So here we have Dean givin’ his boyfran’ some love.  I just imagine that for a long while, even after having his feelings reciprocated, Cas would be totally caught off guard by Dean showing physical affection.  Caught off guard in the best way though :P 

Thanks for the suggestion, Faroodlay!  This was really fun to draw :3  Tomorrow’s prompt will come from facebook, but keep an eye open  here on Thursday at 12PM PST for my next post! 

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