Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Daily Sketch Project Day 3 - King Richard and Chef

I’m sorry if this didn’t post at 12 PM PST!  I thought I had it queued for the right time.  When did it post after all?  D: 

Well at any rate, Capleesi royally decreed that I should draw King Richard and Chef from Galavant, which I was only too happy to do!  Never drawn ‘em before, but believe me it’s not for lack of want!  I love these guys man.  Them and Gareth make a beautiful bro trio. 

Not exactly sure what Richard is on about here, but Chef’s doing his best to play along.  I think there might be a lot of Xanax at work here. 

Lovely fun, and I even had time to tighten up some lines!  It works out, because finding reference of their feet was a little tricky, and I was in the midst of it when time ran out.  Glad the more important visual elements got a second treatment. 

Thanks Faru for the suggestion!  :D  Watch out on Friday at 12PM PST (for real though) for my next tumblr post.  Tomorrow a suggestion will come from facebook! 

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