Friday, September 2, 2016

Color Scheme Experiment #3

This time I went with a modified triad combination to make things a little more analogous. 

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Color Scheme Experiment # 2

Messing around with more colors. These are coming out kind of stream of consciousness. Not really going in with any idea and just seeing what happens. 

Color Scheme Experiment #1

Just started looking back into color theory and different palettes and whatnot last night, and wanted to just tinker some.  This is what came out. 

Monday, August 29, 2016

Return with Some Storyboards

Hi everyone,

Sorry for my prolonged absence over the last few months.  Between dealing with the unexpected death of my father, and being busy with work, I haven't been able to post up a lot of work on here, but I'm looking to rectify that now with some boards I did in the past.  The first is a sample from the Netflix show F Is For Family, starring Bill Burr and Laura Dern among others.  And the second is an excerpt from Bob's Burgers.  These are to whet the appetite,  I should be uploading more more regularly in the near future.  Until then, I hope you enjoy these!


Saturday, April 23, 2016

Weekly Illustration Project Weeks 12-14 - I'm the Only One That I Am

Hey folks! Sorry for the radio silence vis a vis Weekly Illustrations. I assure you, I've been doing my daily work on this, but I've forgotten to post work-in-progress shots the past couple weeks, and by the time I remembered, I always figured I might as well just wait until the next Saturday, only to forget. BUT I'm finally getting one up now.

It's getting close to finished, though there's still the matter of some secondary tones and background details. This one's in honor of Jake and Amir's new webseries, and the title is from a line in one of the episodes.

Hopefully this'll get done fairly soon. Until then, I hope you like what I've got so far! 

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Weekly Illustration Project 11 - Lost and Confused (Work-in-Progress 3)

Hey everyone! Checking in here with another work in progress on this piece. Finished most of the base colors this week and ahve gone on to adding some shadows in. Getting fairly close to the finish line I think. I may take a break from this illustration this week, because there's another idea that's come up that I might want to get out of the way sooner than later. We'll see how it goes.

Hope you like where this is going, and I look forward to finishing it up! 

Monday, March 28, 2016

Weekly Illustration Project 10 - Lost and Confused (Work-in-Progress 2)

So here's an update of my current project.  A little late, but better late than never!  I spent my time this week getting down the rest of the lineart and starting on blocking in some flat colors.  Hopefully it'll be done by the end of next week.  Depends how deep I go into highlights and shades I guess...  I'll probably stick mostly to cel, maybe a little painting for the background.  We'll see soon enough!  Hope you enjoy this in the meantime. 

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Weekly Illustration Week 9 - Lost and Confused(Work-in-Progress)

Hey everyone! So this week I was working up an artistic tribute to one of my favorite things and characters ever, Ranma 1/2 and Ryoga respectively. The poor fellow just can't seem to find his way to the Tendo Dojo. It's almost like he can hear Akane's voice calling to him, so much does he want to find his way there...

As you can tell, it's not so finished as I'd like. Wanted to color the characters after I lined them, so it might have been more line-finished if I'd avoided that, but oh well.

It did bring me to a decision though! What I'm going to do from now on is work at least 30 minutes a day on an illustration, but not confine it to a week, necessarily. Sometimes I've completed things in less than a week, more often they're unfinished, so I am going to try a more flexible approach and work on them until they're done. I'll post in-progress shots at the end of every week untilt the drawing is done, then start a new one. Really the goal was to spend some time working on personal projects every day, and that's still achieved, but I won't have to rush and put out a subpar-quality piece or only work on simple projects. I'll still not drag my feet about it, but try to move at an appreciable pace each day and finish in the most reasonable time possible.

That's my plan at least. I'll do that for now and see how it goes. If I find that I'm abusing it and taking forever to finish things, I may have to rethink it, but I'll try this new system for the moment.

I hope you folks like the current state of the drawing, and I look forward to having a more finished version for you all next week! 

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Weekly Illustration 8 - If I Were You: Seize the Cheese

Hey everybody!  A bit of an early post here.  For this week’s weekly illustration, I wanted to do a little fanart for a podcast I’ve recently gotten into called If I Were You.  It’s an advice podcast hosted by Jake and Amir from Collegehumor.  Been a fan of their sketches for years, but just started listening to the podcast, and now I can’t stop. 

Basically there’s a long-running joke based around the phrase “Seize the Cheese,” so I thought that would be a fun thing to render artistically. 

They also invite people submit shirt designs, so I figured if I was gonna draw fanart, I might as well make it a shirt too, so if you want to buy this as a shirt, you can!  You can find it here, and can also buy it as a print or on a phone case if you so please. 

Since it’s an early post, I may see if I can get something done by the time the week actually ends, or maybe I’ll go back and do some finishing work on older stuff I want to refine or color. 

In the mean time, I hope you all like this and SEIZE THE CHEESE

Monday, March 7, 2016

Weekly Illustration 7 - Fool For Love

Hey folks!  So here I am with my Week 7 Illustration, and it’s based on this song, Fool For Love by Lord Huron.  It’s one of my recent favorite songs, and props and profuse thanks go out to Lauren for introducing me to this amazing band.  This illustration is essentially the calm before the storm, the last moment of contemplation before the major conflict of the song. 

Ideally I would have been able to fully color this too, but I wanted to at least get it pretty solidly black and white, so that I can later color it when I have time. 

I hope you all like it and that you enjoy the song as well! 


Thursday, March 3, 2016

Ready Jet Go! Storyboards

Hey everyone! 

Here are some storyboards that I recently did for Wind Dancer Films and their kid's show Ready Jet Go!  They were a lot of fun to work on, and the characters were great to work with.  Here's hoping I can work with them more in the future! 

Monday, February 29, 2016

Weekly Illustration 6 - Dark Night of the Soul

Hey folks!  Here with another piece worked on throughout the week, and another that's not as done as I was hoping to get it by the working period's end.  Again, I think I gave myself overmuch to do, and the fact that I'm still sort of blindly groping my way through digital painting probably doesn't help matters.  Hopefully I can work on this more in the future and really get it to a state where I can call it done.  I think for the final, I'd end up cropping it down some, but I figured I might as well post it in the full state that it was.

This one was inspired by the song of the same name, by Loreena McKennitt, which you can listen to here if you'd like  I'd highly recommend it, as it's a beautiful, soothing piece of music.  And as such, it was very emotionally inspiring.  I don't think I can say I did the feelings justice here, but it's a start, maybe for future work.

Finished or not, I hope you folks like what I got down! 

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Weekly Illustration 5 - Vide Cor Meum

Hey everyone! Here for week five, I have some fanart based on NBC's Hannibal. Unfortunately, my vision outpaced the time I was able to spend on this, so it's not to the level of completion that I want. Some things got a little rushed to get it even to this form, that I'd probably go back and redo if I had more time. I worked on it past the minimum requirements, but with work and other obligations, I wasn't able to do as much on it as I wanted. I'd like to work on it more in my free time in the future, and get it colored and such.

About it though, it has roots in a song used in Hannibal, Vide Cor Meum or "See My Heart," which itself is based in a poem from Dante Alighieri's La Vita Nuova. I don't want to spoil things for those who haven't watched Hannibal (because it's the greatest show of all time and should be seen by all), but if you've seen it, hopefully it'll all make sense enough.

So I'm still working to find a balance of things I want to draw, and how complicated I can make them, in order to get them done in minimal time. With Kylo Ren, I got done two a week. With this, it's not complete. Hopefully I'll find equilibrium soon.  

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Weekly Illustration 2-4: The Rhyming Guide to Kylo Ren

Here at last are the Weekly Illustrations I've been holding off on posting, because I wanted to post them all at once.

I was inspired by the new Star Wars movie and its resident angst-bucket, one Kylo Ren. I love a good rhyming pun, so I decided to channel it into some art of young Ben. Truth be told, there are a lot more ideas I have for this series, but I think that six is a good start. I may add on more in the future and keep it on going, but for now, I give you The Rhyming Guide to Kylo Ren! 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Weekly Illustration Note

Super late with this, but I want to go one more week before I post what my weekly illustrations from the past two weeks, plus this one. Just wanna get another image or two into the sequence. I AM finishing illustrations every week, so I think that still counts... I just think it'll work better if more are posted at the same time. So yes. Yeah. SOON.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Adidas Tour 360 Boards

Hey everyone! 

I just got the go-ahead to post up some storyboards a did a few months ago for a few ads for the new Adidas Tour 360.  Each row represents its own progression and its own commercial.  The first four were the final ones sent to the client, and the last is one that hit the cutting room floor, but I figured why not just show all the finished boards I did, used or not? 

These ads went public as of January 6, so they've aired somewhere.  I don't know what region they're airing in or anything, but if you see an Adidas ad that looks something like this for this shoe, well then chances are I had a small hand in it. 

Hope you all like em! 


Sunday, January 31, 2016

Weekly Illustration Project Week 2 Update

So for my Weekly Illustration Project, at the beginning of last week, I planned out a series of illustrations that are thematically linked. Wasn't sure how many I'd finish within the week, but the whole progression isn't done. I've finished some, but I'm going to hold off until I have more completed, and then post them all at once. So I'm going to keep working on it this week, and see where I am by this time next week. Then I'll either post it, or update you folks further!

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Weekly Illustration - 1: The Nightfire

Hey everybody!  So I'm here with some new art and a new resolution.  I've had several artistic resolutionary ideas since before the new year, and because of the holidays and a busy start to the year, I'm a little late in starting, but better late than never. 

My plan is to create some sort of finished art every week, and to spend at least 30 minutes a day on it to complete it, from Sunday to Saturday.  I may spend more time on it than 30 minutes a day, but I want to commit to that at least.  I imagine there will be some trial and error where my vision extends further than my reach, but I'll try to get them as finished as I can.  Sometimes it will be illustrations, sometimes it may be comics or storyboards.  I don't want to box in the possibilities really. 

For now I'm going to go off of my own ideas, but I may open the floodgates to suggestions in the future! 

This first one is based in the culture of the Tuareg people of Saharan Africa.  They're a people with an amazing culture, history, and artistic sense.  I've been very interested in them for quite a while now, but unfortunately detailed information on them is hard (or expensive) to come by.  Even so, I wanted to make some sort of illustration based around them, and used the information I know, and what I could find to create something. 

I used quite a bit of reference for background and design.  I wanted some sort of framing element, but for it to have the sense of Tuareg design.  These were the basis from which I worked.  Unfortunately I couldn't find who made these, but the're veil weights.  I also used one of these traditional Tuareg cross designs as the top and bottom of the frame.  They're from The 21 Tuareg Crosses of the Niger from the Book of Wolfgang Creyaufmüller"Das Agadez-Kreuz."  Unfortunately that still doesn't tell me the original artist.  It may be a traditional design.  I also used this photo by Jacques Taberlet of the Aïr Mountains in Niger, which is one of the many places the Tuareg call home. 

I think this is the first time I've attempted what might be called a digital painting on such a scale, so there's a definite learning curve for me.  I don't know a lot about digital painting as of yet, but I'm studying up on it, and just doing this taught me a lot of lessons about more efficient and better ways to work in the future.  Hopefully doing some digital painting nigh-on weekly will lead to some good improvement! 

Anyhow, I hope you all enjoy this, and that you'll stay tuned for the other work I'll be posting in the future.  I'll do my best to make it the best it can be!