Saturday, April 6, 2013

Autumn's Discontent Storyboards Nigh-Final Draft

Hey there!  

Long time no see!  Despite not having posted in a while, I have been hard at work on several artistic endeavors!  Most recently, I developed an idea for an animated short for Nickelodeon's annual Animated Short Contest.  I got to present it to some folks at Nick and everything!  It didn't sound like it would quite fit for the purposes of the contest, but they were very nice and quite supportive, and it was a great experience.  

Now I'm working on applying for Nick's Artistic Fellowship Program, so I've been working on tightening up the rougher boards I did for my pitch, and I'd like to share them here!  I'll post more of my work from the pitch and more about the story behind everything later, but for now, have some storyboards!  


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